In the U.S. there are a few religious variables, respect to which every American child absorbs from the cradle. They will never allow anyone to make fun of freedom, Coca-Cola and ... "Corvette." Over the ocean Corvette has always been synonymous with speed. "
On those machines, still dreaming of pimply teenagers trying to find a girl to prom. Beginners managers dutifully suffer bullying despotic leaders, the quiet raskleivaya in an empty garage posters Corvette. But for them this Corvette has always been an icon, an ideal and often elusive ... Europeans only smiles at the mention of this car. No wonder - in the Old World has its supercars to the prestige and technological advancement give points to the American auto industry.
This week, appeared the first information about the new Corvette ZR1, which is created to destroy these idiotic stereotypes. Tired, perhaps, the big bosses of GM constantly hear reproaches that, they say, Corvette is not the same, that is around for the last ten years formed a lot of competitors ... Tremble, adolescents, managers and their leaders! So perfect technically Corvette history has never seen! Even a seemingly new version terrible as the fighter in the meadow in front of the Capitol. Bravo GM, because you can, if you want.
6.2-liter V8 with a mechanical supercharger gives 620 hp power with 823 Nm of torque. This engineering masterpiece was designed specifically for the Corvette with a clean slate, and this engine knows how to convert kilometers per second. The creators apparently, do not expect that they will have less advanced engine, and the joys have provided a transparent box on the hood for all to admire cover intake manifold.
But that's not all! Started counting on his fingers, in passing put yourself in the place of the poor dreamy manager: roof, hood, front fenders are made of carbon fiber - as a result and prestige, and little weight. Transmission - six-speed manual dual-clutch - is able to transfer all the avalanche of power to the rear wheels almost without interruption. The wheels, as befits this supercar, the back of greater diameter than the front: 20 and 19 inches respectively, while those on wheels - tires Michelin Pilot Sport 2, P285/30ZR19 front and P335/25ZR20 rear. This footwear has been designed specifically for the Corvette ZR1. Through the thin needles of these beautiful "rolls" can be seen ceramic brake diameter 15,5 inch front and 15 inches rear. And so on - from the list of innovations, even in the most experienced person in the car pulse rate.
And all this magnificence should be the first Corvette, which will be able to overcome the barrier of 200 miles per hour - more than 320 km / h! Speedometer, by the way, the ZR1 marked up as much to 370. And now - the latest blow to European competitors: ZR1 will be produced commercially and without any restrictions. But since the end of 2008. So we are left with only grit my teeth and work, work, work ... Maybe it will realize the dream of every American's life - it is not so unattainable.
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